
A six-year-old girl is experiencing abdominal pain around her navel, accompanied by vomiting, with severe pain leading to constant crying and fussiness. The preliminary diagnosis is colitis, and oral medication has been prescribed. The parents inquire about the need for intravenous treatment and how to alleviate the child’s discomfort.


Colitis is often associated with catching a cold or unclean diet, and it is recommended that the child get plenty of rest, avoid stress, and refrain from consuming cold and greasy foods. In terms of medication, anti-inflammatory drugs and digestive aids can be considered. A special reminder is that while milk is rich in nutrition, due to its lubricating effect on the large intestine, most colitis patients are not recommended to drink it, especially those who are sensitive to milk. Drinking milk may quickly lead to symptoms such as intestinal rumbling and diarrhea. Therefore, colitis patients should drink milk cautiously.