
An eight-month-old girl has been frequently crying during nighttime sleep recently. Initially, it was suspected to be due to a calcium deficiency, and after supplementing with calcium gluconate, the situation improved slightly, but the effect was short-lived. What could be the possible causes of this condition, and how should it be treated?


The common reasons for babies crying at night are often physiological disturbances, such as wet diapers or overheating or underheating, which may lead to discomfort and trigger nighttime crying. Parents should closely observe the reasons for the baby’s crying to handle it properly. In addition, nighttime abdominal pain is also a possible cause, and parents need to pay attention to the baby’s bowel sounds at this time. If the baby has intestinal worms, it may cause worm crawling to the anus at night, leading to skin itching, restlessness, and crying. It is recommended that parents seek medical attention according to specific circumstances and follow the doctor’s instructions for treatment.