
A 4-year-old boy, initially, he felt pain when drinking water and swallowing. He has been experiencing severe coughing, and it seems like he has a low-grade fever that hasn’t subsided. How should pediatric tonsillitis and sore throat be treated?


In the clinical treatment of pediatric tonsillitis, antibiotic medications are primarily used. The choice of medication can be based on the sensitivity determined from bacterial cultures, which often yield good results. Regional treatment can include laser therapy or medication irrigation. Painkillers can also be administered according to the child’s condition, especially when the throat pain is severe, as they can help alleviate suffering. If the child continues to have a persistent fever, oral fever-reducing medications can be given. If the medication treatment is ineffective and the condition recurs, surgical treatment may be recommended. During treatment, it is also important to arrange for a light diet for the child and enhance nutritional supplementation to aid in an early recovery.