
A 7-year-old boy has just started saying that he feels pain when swallowing, and upon inspection, it is noticed that he has a slight cough and seems to have a persistent low-grade fever. How should one treat a child’s sore throat caused by tonsillitis?


Antibiotic medication is commonly used for treating tonsillitis and can be chosen appropriately. In addition to systemic medication, regional treatment can also be performed, such as tonsil crypt irrigation or intratonsillar medication injection. If the symptoms are mainly sore throat, painkillers can be considered. Some children may also have fever, in which case oral antipyretics can be given to the child. If symptoms do not improve, it is essential to seek medical attention. If your child frequently experiences this condition, surgery may be considered after the illness is controlled to avoid recurrence. During treatment, it is also important to pay attention to giving the child a light diet and strengthening nutritional supplementation to help recover as soon as possible.