
A 13-year-old boy, a primary school student, initially complained of throat pain, which made drinking uncomfortable. He then developed a slight cough and had a persistent high fever. How should a child crying due to tonsillitis be treated?


In treating such conditions, appropriate antibiotic medications can be administered to the child, along with regional rinsing or spraying, or injecting symptomatic medications into the tonsils, which are all effective. If the main symptom is throat pain, painkillers can be considered. Some children may have fever as well, in which case oral fever-reducing medication can be given; if this does not alleviate the symptoms, medical attention is required. If there are multiple acute severe attacks or complications have occurred, it is recommended to perform tonsillectomy two weeks after the acute inflammation subsides. During treatment, attention should be paid to maintaining dietary hygiene and ensuring the child has enough rest time.