
My daughter is 2 years old. Initially, she felt a sore throat when speaking, and I noticed that her coughing seemed more severe. Now, she has a persistent high fever. How should I treat her tonsillitis and high fever?


Parents are advised to choose appropriate antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medications under a doctor’s guidance for their child, which can effectively alleviate inflammatory symptoms. For regional treatment, laser therapy or medication irrigation is recommended. If the child primarily experiences throat pain, parents should consider giving some pain relievers. If there is still a fever, a small amount of fever-reducing medicine can be administered to the child. However, if the fever persists, it is imperative to seek medical attention promptly. If the child experiences recurrent tonsillitis, it is recommended to undergo surgery as soon as possible. After the condition improves, it is suggested to engage the child in moderate exercise to enhance immunity and prevent recurrence.