
Dear Sir, my son is just over 2 months old. Initially, I noticed that when he speaks, he seems to have a sore throat. Also, his coughing appears more severe, and it seems like he has had a low-grade fever that hasn’t subsided. How should I treat my child’s sore throat and high fever?


Treatment for pediatric tonsillitis can involve selecting sensitive antibiotic medications based on bacterial culture, or regional therapies such as tonsil crypt irrigation and intratonsillar injections. If the child experiences severe throat pain, painkillers can be administered as needed. If the child continues to have a fever, parents can give fever-reducing medication or take the child to the hospital immediately. In cases of recurrent severe acute episodes or existing complications, it is recommended to perform tonsillectomy two weeks after the acute inflammation subsides. After treatment, it is advisable to encourage the child to engage in moderate exercise to boost their immunity and prevent recurrence.