
My daughter is 9 years old, and she has been scratching her ear and saying it itches for the past few days. The earwax is a bit thick and yellowish. She seems to have no appetite and looks very tired. How should ear pain caused by pediatric otitis media be treated?


To treat pediatric otitis media, parents can give their child anti-inflammatory medication and can use local treatment methods, such as anti-inflammatory ear drops. If the child experiences severe ear pain, a suitable amount of pain reliever can be administered to alleviate the pain. If the child has a high fever, a suitable amount of fever-reducing medicine should be used. In case of severe conditions, medical attention should be sought promptly. If the child develops a perforated eardrum, immediate hospital treatment and surgical intervention are required. During the treatment process, it is important to keep the child warm and avoid catching a cold to worsen the symptoms.