A boy, already 2 years old, has just started to complain about a sore throat when swallowing. I noticed that his cough seems more severe, and he’s been running a slight fever. What symptoms might a child with tonsillitis exhibit?
Pediatric tonsillitis is one of the more common pediatric diseases in recent years. The primary symptom is a sore throat, which can be severe enough to spread to the ear. Children may also experience varying degrees of fever; in some cases, infants may even have convulsions due to high fever. Accompanying the fever are chills, weakness, and headaches. In addition, under the condition of tonsillar congestion, there may be noticeable redness and swelling. Such diseases may also lead to more serious complications like sepsis, rheumatism, and arthritis. The symptoms of tonsillitis can be quite severe, even life-threatening, so it is essential to seek timely treatment.