
My daughter is 4 years old. Initially, she felt pain when drinking water, and I noticed that her coughing seemed more severe, and she also had a bit of a fever and seemed less energetic. What is the best way to treat a child’s tonsillitis and fever?


Generally speaking, if it’s pediatric tonsillitis, it can be effectively treated by giving the child some antibiotics. Regional rinsing or spraying can also be considered, as well as the injection of symptomatic medication into the tonsils. The efficacy of these treatments is quite good. If the main symptom is throat pain, consider giving some analgesic medication. If there is a fever, choose a cooling method based on the body temperature; below 38.5 degrees Celsius, physical cooling can be used; above 38.5 degrees Celsius, oral antipyretics can be taken. Tonsillitis has the characteristic of recurrent attacks. If there are similar conditions, surgery can be considered after the inflammation is controlled. Lastly, parents should pay attention to this disease, seek medical treatment for their children as soon as possible, and also pay attention to preventive and health care measures in daily life.