
My daughter is 5 years old. She recently started experiencing a slight sore throat, accompanied by a mild cough and a low-grade fever. What symptoms might indicate childhood tonsillitis?


Currently, acute tonsillitis is indeed quite common, and its symptoms are relatively pronounced. Children often cry and fuss because of throat pain, which prevents them from swallowing normally. They may also have a certain degree of fever, with some cases reaching as high as 40 degrees Celsius. It is important to pay attention to this, as well as headaches or general body pain. Upon careful observation, one can notice that the tonsils are red and swollen. If the condition persists, it may lead to some particularly severe complications, such as sepsis or acute rheumatism. It is clear that pediatric tonsillitis is a very serious disease, and it is crucial to discover and treat it as early as possible.