
My daughter is 2 years old. She just started having a sore throat, and I noticed her coughing seems more severe. Additionally, she has a persistent high fever. How should I treat her sore throat caused by tonsillitis?


Treatment for pediatric tonsillitis can involve selecting sensitive antibiotic medications based on bacterial culture, regional medication such as tonsil crypt irrigation, and intratonsillar injections. You can also administer painkillers according to the child’s condition, especially when the throat pain is severe, which can help alleviate suffering. If the child continues to have a fever, parents should administer fever-reducing medication or immediately take the child to the hospital. Tonsillitis has a characteristic of recurrence, so after the inflammation is controlled, surgery can be considered. Finally, parents should pay attention to this disease and take their child to seek medical treatment as soon as possible. Also, be sure to do a good job of prevention and health care in daily life.