
A two-year-old boy is showing symptoms of tonsillitis, initially with a sore throat and hoarse voice, but now has a persistent high fever. How should a child’s tonsillitis be treated?


The treatment for tonsillitis usually involves antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, with parents choosing the appropriate medication based on the doctor’s advice. Regional treatment methods such as tonsil crypt irrigation or intratonsillar drug injection can also be considered. If the child’s main symptom is throat pain, a moderate dose of pain reliever can be given to alleviate discomfort. For fever, a mild antipyretic can be used, but if the fever persists, immediate medical attention should be sought. If a child frequently experiences tonsillitis, after the condition is controlled, surgical treatment can be considered to avoid recurrent episodes. It is recommended to have a light diet and consume mainly liquid foods during treatment.