
Dear parents, my son is just over 2 months old. Initially, he had a slight pain in his throat, and it seemed difficult for him to swallow. He also had a low-grade fever. How should we treat and diagnose a child’s sore throat with tonsillitis ?


Generally speaking, if it’s a case of pediatric tonsillitis, it is effective to give the child some antibiotics as treatment. Additionally, regional drug sprays or laser therapy can be administered, and painkillers can be given if the child has severe throat pain. For those with low-grade fever, physical coolingcan be used to lower body temperature. If the body temperature exceeds 38.5°, medical attention should be sought promptly. In addition to these medication treatments, if the child frequently experiences inflammation, parents can choose surgery for treatment under the doctor’s advice. During the treatment, it is also important to ensure the child has a light diet and nutritional supplements to aid in early recovery.