
My daughter is 3 years old. She recently started complaining that drinking water is painful, and I’ve noticed her coughing seems more severe. She also has a slight fever. How should I treat her sore throat and crying due to tonsillitis?


When treating such diseases, you can give the child some symptomatic antibiotic medications, and also complement with some local treatment methods, such as tonsil crypt irrigation and tonsil injection medications, which are quite effective. If the child’s throat pain is severe, it is recommended to give some painkillers according to the situation. If the child continues to have a fever, apply fever-reducing medication promptly. If the temperature does not exceed 38.5 degrees Celsius, physical cooling can be used. In addition to these drug treatment methods, if the child frequently suffers from tonsillitis, it is also recommended to consider surgical treatment. Pay attention to a light diet in daily life, and consume mainly liquid foods during the treatment period.