
An 11-year-old boy, a primary school student, initially complained of throat pain, feeling uncomfortable while drinking water, accompanied by severe coughing and persistent slight fever. How should crying caused by tonsillitis be treated?


If a child is diagnosed with tonsillitis, appropriate anti-inflammatory medication can be prescribed. In addition, regional therapy is also an important aspect, including the irrigation of tonsillar crypts, intratonsillar drug injections, or laser therapy. If the main symptom is throat pain, parents are advised to moderately administer painkillers to relieve discomfort. As for fever, appropriate cooling methods should be chosen based on the temperature: if the body temperature does not reach 38.5 degrees Celsius, physical cooling can be adopted; if it exceeds 38.5 degrees Celsius, oral antipyretics can be considered. If tonsillitis recurs frequently, surgery may be considered.