
My daughter is 2 years old. She started to feel a sore throat while speaking, and I noticed she has been coughing more severely, accompanied by a low-grade fever. How should a child with a sore throat due to strep throat be treated for optimal effectiveness?


Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are currently the primary methods and medications for clinical treatment of pediatric strep throat. Parents can choose treatments according to symptoms. For regional treatment, it is recommended to opt for laser therapy or medication irrigation. Painkillers can also be given to the child if they have a sore throat. For persistent fever that does not subside, fever-reducing medication can be administered orally. Strep throat is characterized by recurrent episodes; if similar conditions exist, surgery can be considered after the inflammation is controlled. During treatment, it is important to ensure the child is kept warm and to avoid exacerbating symptoms by catching a cold.