
My daughter is 8 years old. Initially, she said she felt pain when swallowing, and I noticed she had a more severe cough, accompanied by a low fever. How should a child with tonsillitis and low fever be treated?


It is recommended that parents choose appropriate antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs under the guidance of a doctor for their child, which can effectively alleviate inflammatory symptoms. Local irrigation or spray can also be considered, as well as the injection of symptomatic medications into the tonsils. These treatments are generally effective. If the pain in the throat is severe, some painkillers can be administered appropriately. If there is a fever, choose a method to lower the temperature based on the body temperature; below 38.5 degrees Celsius, physical cooling methods can be used; if above 38.5 degrees Celsius, oral antipyretics can be taken. In addition to these medication treatments, if the child frequently experiences inflammation, parents can consult with a doctor to consider surgical treatment. Pay attention to a light diet during the treatment period, and focus on liquid foods.