
A seven-year-old boy, a primary school student, initially felt a sore throat, accompanied by a slight cough, and had a persistent fever. How should one effectively treat the fever caused by tonsillitis in children?


It is recommended that parents, under the guidance of a physician, choose appropriate antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medications for their child to effectively alleviate inflammatory symptoms. In addition to systemic treatment, regional treatments can also be considered to enhance efficacy, such as pus cavity irrigation or direct injection of medication into the tonsils. If the child’s main symptom is throat pain, parents may consider giving painkillers to relieve discomfort. If the child continues to have a persistent fever, oral fever-reducing medication can be considered. If the child frequently experiences such situations, after controlling the condition, surgical treatment can be considered to avoid recurrent attacks. After the condition improves, it is suggested to engage the child in appropriate physical activities to boost immunity.