A 12-year-old boy, a primary school student, initially felt a sore throat, which was particularly noticeable when drinking water, and experienced difficulty swallowing. He also had a persistent low-grade fever. How should one treat a child with tonsillitis accompanied by low fever?
For treating children with tonsillitis accompanied by low fever, it is first necessary to provide appropriate anti-inflammatory medication based on their symptoms. While undergoing systemic treatment, regional therapy can be considered to enhance efficacy, such as tonsil pocket irrigation or direct tonsil injection of medication. If the child has severe throat pain, painkillers may be administered as needed. For the low-grade fever, it is recommended to take physical cooling measures. If the body temperature exceeds 38.5°C, immediate medical attention should be sought. If the medication treatment is ineffective and symptoms recur frequently, surgical treatment may be considered. During the treatment period, attention should be paid to dietary hygiene and ensuring