
My son is 3 years old. He has just started to feel a sore throat when speaking, and I’ve noticed that he’s been coughing quite severely. It seems like he’s had a low fever that hasn’t gone away. How should one treat a child’s tonsillitis and sore throat for the best results?


Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are currently the main methods and medications for the clinical treatment of pediatric tonsillitis. Parents can choose treatments according to symptoms, with regional treatment options including laser therapy or medication irrigation. Painkillers can also be given based on the child’s condition, especially when the throat pain is severe, as they can help alleviate suffering. Additionally, if there is a fever, some fever-reducing medication can be taken. In cases of high fever, it is recommended to seek medical attention as soon as possible. These methods are among the commonly used treatments for tonsillitis. Moreover, surgery is also a viable option, suitable for children with recurrent episodes. During treatment, it is important to ensure the child receives adequate nutrition, with a diet mainly consisting of light foods. It is also necessary to ensure sufficient rest and avoid fatigue.