
A 9-year-old boy is experiencing throat pain along with a slight cough, accompanied by a persistent fever. How should pediatric tonsillitis be treated?


It is advised for parents to select suitable antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medications for their child under a doctor’s guidance, which can effectively alleviate inflammatory symptoms. Regional cleaning or spraying can also be performed, and symptomatic medications can be injected into the tonsils for better treatment outcomes. If the child has throat pain, a moderate amount of pain relievers can be administered. If the child has a fever, it should be appropriately reduced; if it exceeds 40 degrees Celsius, medical attention should be sought promptly. If there are multiple acute severe symptoms or complications are present, it is recommended to consider tonsillectomy after the acute inflammation subsides for two weeks. During the treatment period, it is best to maintain a light diet and focus on liquid foods.