
Dear parents, our daughter is currently 6 years old and has recently been experiencing sore throat, mild cough, and persistent high fever. What should be the rational dietary adjustments for a child with tonsillitis and fever?


For the condition of pediatric tonsillitis, it is recommended to start with daily dietary adjustments. Encourage your child to consume fresh vegetables and fruits, which are not only light and non-irritating but also nutritionally rich, aiding in resistance to illness. When selecting fruits, avoid those that are too cold, and opt for neutral fruits like apples and kiwis. The daily diet should focus on lightness, easy digestion, and good swallowing, with options like congee and noodles being good choices. Additionally, be mindful to avoid foods that may trigger symptoms in your child, such as beef, mutton, dog meat, and seafood. While maintaining a correct diet, it’s also important not to be picky or biased in eating habits to prevent nutritional imbalance, decreased resistance, and further exacerbation of symptoms.