
A 9-year-old boy, in elementary school, initially experienced a slight sore throat, followed by more severe coughing and low-grade fever. How should low-grade fever in children with tonsillitis be treated effectively?


To achieve better treatment for tonsillitis, it is advisable to select some anti-inflammatory medications under the guidance of a doctor. In addition to systemic medication, regional treatment can also be performed, such as tonsil crypt irrigation or intratonsillar medication injection. Painkillers can also be administered based on the child’s condition, especially when the throat pain is severe, which can help alleviate pain. Some children may also have fever, in which case oral antipyretics can be given. If the fever cannot be relieved, it is necessary to seek medical attention. If a child repeatedly experiences tonsillitis, it is advisable to undergo surgery as soon as possible. During treatment, attention should also be paid to maintaining good dietary hygiene and ensuring sufficient rest.