
How should children with tonsillitis and low fever be treated?


It is recommended that parents, under the guidance of a doctor, choose appropriate antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs for their children to alleviate inflammatory symptoms effectively. Regional rinsing or spraying, as well as intratonsillar injection of symptomatic medications, can also be considered. The efficacy of these treatments is generally good. In cases where children have severe throat pain, painkillers may be administered. If fever is present, the method of cooling down should be chosen based on body temperature; physical cooling can be used for temperatures below 38.5 degrees Celsius, while oral fever-reducing medication can be taken for temperatures above 38.5 degrees Celsius. If children repeatedly experience tonsillitis, it is advisable to consider surgery early on. Finally, parents are encouraged to take this disease seriously, seek medical treatment for their children as soon as possible, and pay attention to preventive and health care measures in their daily lives.