
A 10-year-old boy, in elementary school, has a slight sore throat and finds he has a mild cough along with a low-grade fever. What are the dietary precautions to take when the child has recurrent tonsillitis and fever?


Diet is crucial during the treatment of tonsillitis. It is recommended to give the child more vegetables and fruits, which are light and non-irritating, nutritious, and help fight off the illness. Good choices include pears, apples, tangerines, kiwis, etc. The diet should be easy to digest, such as congee and noodles. It’s important to drink plenty of plain water regularly and avoid eating seafood, dog meat, and other foods that may exacerbate the condition. Parents should help their children develop good living habits, maintain regular schedules, engage in moderate exercise, enhance immunity, and help reduce the incidence of disease.