
My daughter is 9 years old. She initially felt a sore throat, accompanied by coughing and fever. How should I treat her tonsillitis and sore throat?


To effectively treat a child’s tonsillitis, you can choose anti-inflammatory medications under a doctor’s guidance for symptomatic treatment. In addition to systemic medication, regional treatments such as tonsil lavage or regional injections can also be considered. To alleviate severe throat pain, painkillers may be given, especially when the throat is very painful, as they can help relieve discomfort. Some children may have fever, in which case oral fever-reducing medication can be taken. If the above treatments do not alleviate the symptoms, it is imperative to seek medical attention. If a child frequently suffers from tonsillitis, surgical treatment may also be considered. At the same time, paying attention to a reasonable diet and lifestyle can help recover sooner.