
Dear Baby, she’s just 3 months old. Initially, she seemed to have a sore throat when talking, and I noticed her coughing was more severe. Additionally, she has a low-grade fever. How should infant and toddler tonsillitis be treated for the best effect?


In treating such diseases, you can give the child some symptomatic antibiotics, and also combine with regional treatment methods such as tonsil crypt irrigation and tonsil injection medications, which are quite effective. If the symptoms are mainly throat pain, consider giving some painkillers. If the child keeps running a fever, parents can also give some fever-reducing medication, or take the child to the hospital immediately. For those with recurrent acute severe cases or complications, it is recommended to perform tonsillectomy after two weeks of acute inflammation subsiding. During treatment, it is also important to arrange a light diet for the child and enhance nutritional supplementation to help recover as soon as possible.