
A seven-year-old boy is experiencing symptoms of swallowing pain, severe coughing, and persistent low fever, suspected of having tonsillitis. How should one effectively treat pediatric tonsillitis?


When treating pediatric tonsillitis, it is first important to administer appropriate anti-inflammatory medication based on the child’s specific symptoms. While undergoing systemic treatment, consider regional therapy to enhance efficacy, such as tonsil pocket irrigation or direct injection of medication into the tonsils. If the child’s throat pain is severe, timely administration of painkillers can help alleviate discomfort. Some children may have fever as well; in such cases, oral fever-reducing medication can be given. If symptoms do not improve, immediate medical attention should be sought. For children with recurrent acute tonsillitis or complications, it is recommended to undergo tonsillectomy two weeks after the acute inflammation subsides. During the treatment period, ensure that the child receives adequate nutrition and a diet