
My daughter is 6 years old, and she just started saying that her throat hurts. I noticed that when she speaks, her voice is a bit hoarse, and she has a persistent high fever. What symptoms might a child experience with tonsillitis?


If a child has tonsillitis, the first symptom is often throat pain, and the child may also experience varying degrees of difficulty swallowing. Some children at this stage may also have a cough. The fever can vary from low to high. If the fever is high, it is necessary to seek medical attention. The child may also feel fatigue and have a headache. In severe cases, chills may occur, and upon close observation, the tonsils can be seen to be red and swollen. If not promptly addressed, it may lead to complications such as rheumatism, nephritis, and sepsis. If the child’s condition continues to worsen, it is advisable for parents not to delay and to take their child for treatment as soon as possible.