
Dear parents, my son is just over 6 months old. Initially, he felt pain when drinking water, and I noticed his voice was a bit hoarse during speech. Now, he has a persistent high fever that doesn’t go away. How should I treat my baby’s sore throat with crying to achieve good results?


If a child has tonsillitis, the first step is to use antibiotic medications for treatment. In addition to systemic medication, regional treatments can be administered, such as tonsil crypt irrigation or intratonsillar drug injections. If the child has throat pain, some painkillers can be given. If the child continues to have a persistent fever, oral fever reducers can be administered. These methods are among the commonly used treatments for tonsillitis. Additionally, surgery is also a viable option for children with recurrent episodes. During treatment, it’s also important to provide the child with a light diet and enhance nutritional supplementation to help them recover as soon as possible.