
My daughter is 8 years old. She recently started having a sore throat, with quite severe coughing and it seems like she’s been running a low fever without it subsiding. What dietary restrictions should be avoided when a child has tonsillitis?


To help a child recover from tonsillitis quickly, diet plays a crucial role. Firstly, it’s important to consume plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, which are not only light and non-irritating but also rich in nutrition, aiding in resistance to illness. Options include pears, kiwis, and tangerines, which also have the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying. Daily meals should include easily digestible foods such as congee and noodles, and it’s also important to drink plenty of plain water. However, it’s best to avoid foods that can trigger allergies, such as seafood and dog meat. In addition to following the doctor’s treatment, parents should also help their children develop good dietary and lifestyle habits to aid in a speedy recovery.