
An eight-year-old boy, a primary school student, recently experienced throat pain, difficulty swallowing, and low-grade fever. How should high fever caused by pediatric tonsillitis be treated to achieve the best results?


Treating high fever caused by pediatric tonsillitis can involve using antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medications for systemic treatment. At the same time, regional treatment measures can be taken to enhance the efficacy, such as tonsil crypt irrigation or direct injection of medication into the tonsils. If the child’s throat pain is severe, appropriate painkillers can be administered. For fever management, antipyretics can be given as needed, but if the fever persists, immediate medical attention should be sought. If tonsillitis recurs frequently, it is advisable to consider surgical treatment. During the treatment period, it is essential to ensure that the child receives adequate nutrition, a light diet, and sufficient rest to avoid overexertion.