
My son is 7 years old. Initially, he had a slight pain in his throat, and he has been coughing quite severely, and he has been running a slight fever. How should I treat my child’s sore throat due to tonsillitis for effective relief?


It is appropriate to administer some antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medications, and can also be supplemented with some local treatment methods, such as tonsil crypt irrigation and tonsil injections, which are quite effective. If the sore throat is severe, some painkillers can be given. If the child keeps running a fever, parents should also administer some fever-reducing medications, or immediately take the child to the hospital. These methods are currently commonly used in treating tonsillitis. In addition, surgery is also a viable option for children who have recurrent attacks. During the treatment period, it is important to ensure the child’s warmth and avoid exacerbating symptoms by catching a cold.