
My daughter is 3 years old. Initially, she said she felt pain when swallowing, and I noticed that she was coughing more severely and had a low fever. How should sore throat in infants with tonsillitis be diagnosed and treated?


Antibiotics are commonly used for the treatment of tonsillitis and can be chosen appropriately. If the child’s condition is severe, regional treatments can also be combined, including tonsil crypt irrigation and tonsil injections. In cases of sore throat, painkillers can be administered to the child. If the child continues to have a fever, parents should give some antipyretic medication or immediately take the child to the hospital. In addition to these drug treatment methods, if the child frequently develops tonsillitis, it is also recommended to consider surgical treatment. During treatment, it is also important to arrange for a light diet for the child, strengthen nutritional supplementation, and help them recover as soon as possible.