
My daughter is 9 years old. She just started saying she has a sore throat, and I’ve noticed her coughing seems more severe, and she seems to have a low-grade fever that hasn’t gone away. How should we treat a child’s sore throat caused by tonsillitis?


It is appropriate to give some antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medications. In addition to systemic treatment, regional treatment can also be performed, such as tonsil crypt irrigation or intratonsillar medication injection. If necessary, such as when the child’s throat pain is particularly severe, some painkillers can be administered. If the child still has a fever, it should be treated with antipyretics. If the temperature exceeds 40 degrees Celsius, it is necessary to seek medical attention as soon as possible. For children with recurrent inflammatory episodes, surgical treatment can be considered. Parents should also pay attention to keeping their children warm in daily life to prevent colds and trigger a recurrence of tonsillitis.