
My daughter is 7 years old. She recently started saying that it hurts when she swallows, and I noticed that swallowing seems a bit difficult. Moreover, she has a persistent high fever. What diet tips should I pay attention to if my child has tonsillitis?


During the treatment of tonsillitis in children, the daily diet should primarily be light and light (of food, not greasy or strongly flavored). It is recommended to consume more vegetables and fruits, as they are relatively rich in nutrients and can effectively boost the child’s immunity. For example, apples and kiwis not only help with Qi and phlegm regulation but also have a moistening lung effect, which is very beneficial for tonsillitis. In daily meals, attention should also be paid to easy-to-digest and easy-to-swallow foods. Therefore, it is suggested to mainly eat porridge and soft noodles; the noodles must be cooked to be very soft. Additionally, avoid giving children spicy and pungent foods such as spicy hotpot and Sichuan hotpot, as well as irritant foods like beef, mutton, and seafood. Finally, parents should help children develop good living habits, maintain a regular routine, and engage in moderate exercise to enhance immunity, which can significantly reduce the incidence of diseases.