
Dear parents, our baby girl is only 3 months old and has recently been experiencing throat pain, difficulty swallowing, and low-grade fever. What can we feed our child when they have tonsillitis with inflammation and redness?


During the treatment of tonsillitis in children, it is recommended to maintain a diet that is light and easy to digest. Increasing the intake of vegetables and fruits, which are rich in nutrients and can help boost the child’s immune system, is beneficial. When choosing fruits, avoid those that are too cold, and opt for neutral fruits like apples and kiwis. The daily diet should primarily consist of light, easy-to-digest, and easy-to-swallow foods, such as congee and noodles. During this period, it is advisable to avoid feeding the child beef, mutton, poultry eggs, seafood, and other allergenic foods, as well as spicy foods that are strong in stimulation. Additionally, apart from a healthy diet, it is also important to cultivate good living habits, including going to bed early and waking up early, as well as engaging in moderate exercise.