
My daughter is 6 years old. She has just started to feel a bit of pain in her throat, accompanied by slight coughing and a bit of fever with lack of energy. How should a child with tonsillitis and high fever be treated?


It is recommended that parents choose suitable antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs for their child under a doctor’s guidance to effectively alleviate inflammatory symptoms. Local irrigation or spraying can also be considered, as well as injecting symptomatic medications into the tonsils. These treatments are quite effective. If the main symptom is a sore throat, painkillers can be given. If the child has a fever, it should be reduced according to the situation; if the temperature exceeds 40 degrees Celsius, immediate medical attention is required. Surgery is also a viable treatment option, suitable for children with recurrent attacks. During the treatment period, attention should be paid to maintaining good diet and hygiene as well as ensuring enough rest time.