
My daughter is 2 years old, and for the past week, she has been constantly pulling her ear and saying it itches. There’s also a lot of yellowish earwax. She doesn’t have much appetite and looks quite listless. How should I treat a child’s otitis media with drainage?


The treatment for a child’s otitis media includes using symptomatic medication and regional treatments. Depending on the child’s symptoms, you can use anti-inflammatory ear drops for treatment, and you can also use painkillers to relieve severe ear pain if necessary. If there are fever symptoms, you can also take fever-reducing medication. If the high fever persists, it is recommended to seek medical attention as soon as possible. If there are multiple acute severe attacks or if the eardrum perforates, timely surgical treatment should be sought. At the same time, attention should be paid to the child’s diet and lifestyle habits, which will help the disease recover sooner.