
Dear Parent, my son is just over 3 months old. He has just started to feel pain when swallowing, and his voice sounds a bit hoarse during speech. Moreover, it seems like he has a low-grade fever that hasn’t gone away. How should I treat a child’s swollen throat with tonsillitis?


The treatment includes giving symptomatic anti-inflammatory drugs, and regional treatment can also be chosen to enhance the efficacy, such as pus pocket irrigation and direct tonsil injection of medication. For children with obvious sore throat symptoms, painkillers can be used. If the child still has a fever, consider taking antipyretic medication, but if it persists, it is imperative to seek medical attention promptly. Tonsillitis has the characteristic of recurrent attacks, so attention should be paid to nutritional supplementation and rest, avoiding fatigue. During treatment, pay attention to a light diet, and consider surgical treatment if necessary.