A boy, 8 years old, is in elementary school. Initially, he felt a sore throat while speaking, noticed difficulty in swallowing, and now he has a persistent high fever. How should red swelling of pediatric tonsillitis be treated effectively?
In treating such diseases, children can be given symptomatic antibiotic medications for systemic treatment. Additionally, regional treatments can be performed, such as tonsil crypt irrigation or tonsil intramuscular injections. If the child feels throat pain, he can be given painkillers. Some children may have fever, in which case oral antipyretics can be administered. If symptoms cannot be relieved, it is imperative to seek medical attention. If there are multiple acute severe cases or complications have occurred, it is recommended to perform tonsillectomy two weeks after the acute inflammation subsides. During this period, ensure that the child gets adequate rest and consumes more vegetables and fruits.