
My daughter is 6 years old. She recently started feeling a bit of pain in her throat, accompanied by a slight cough. She has also had a slight fever. How should we treat a child with low-grade tonsillitis effectively?


Generally speaking, for pediatric tonsillitis, the following treatment measures can be taken to alleviate symptoms and improve treatment effectiveness:

  1. Antibiotic Therapy: Administering antibiotics to the child can be an effective symptomatic treatment.
  2. Local Treatment: It is recommended to choose laser therapy or drug irrigation to alleviate inflammation and pain.
  3. Analgesics: When the child’s throat pain is severe, appropriate analgesics can be given.
  4. Antipyretics: If the child has a fever, oral antipyretic medication can be administered.
  5. Medical Consultation: If symptoms do not subside, it is imperative to seek medical attention. In cases of repeated acute severe inflammation or complications, it is advisable to consider tonsillectomy after the acute inflammation subsides for two weeks.
  6. Rest and Nutrition: During treatment, ensure the child gets adequate rest, strengthens nutrition, and consumes more vegetables and fruits to promote recovery. These are some suggestions for treating low-grade pediatric tonsillitis. I hope they are helpful to you. If you have any other questions, please consult your doctor at any time.