
My son, 7 years old, has recently been experiencing throat pain and difficulty swallowing, accompanied by low-grade fever and fatigue. How should children with sore throat and fever be treated?


Generally, for children with a sore throat and fever, antibiotics can be used for treatment, which is quite effective. At the same time, local therapy methods such as tonsil crypt irrigation or intramuscular injections can also be adopted. If the child has significant throat pain, a moderate amount of pain reliever can be administered. Some children may have fever symptoms as well, in which case oral fever-reducing medications can be taken. If the symptoms do not subside, it is imperative to seek medical attention promptly. These are common treatment methods. If children have recurrent episodes of tonsillitis, it is advisable to consider surgical treatment as early as possible. During the treatment period, ensure that the child consumes adequate nutrition, maintains a light diet, gets sufficient rest, and avoids overexertion.