
A seven-month-old female infant is experiencing symptoms of swallowing pain, hoarseness, and persistent fever, diagnosed as tonsillitis. How should it be treated?


For the treatment of tonsillitis, medications with anti-inflammatory effects can be chosen under the guidance of a physician, or regional irrigation, spraying, and intratonsillar injection of symptomatic medication can be performed, all of which have good efficacy. If the child primarily has symptoms of throat pain, parents can consider giving pain relievers to alleviate the discomfort. When fever is present, the method of coolingshould be chosen based on body temperature: below 38.5 degrees Celsius can adopt physical cooling , and above this temperature can consider oral fever-reducing medication. If the child often recurs, after the disease is controlled, surgical treatment can be considered to prevent recurrent episodes. At the same time, attention should be paid to arranging reasonable diet and rest to help the disease recover as soon as possible.