
An eight-month-old baby girl is experiencing symptoms of sore throat, hoarseness, and persistent fever, suspected to be tonsillitis. How should one treat fever caused by pediatric tonsillitis?


For pediatric tonsillitis, symptomatic treatment can be adopted, including the administration of anti-inflammatory drugs and regional applications such as tonsil crypt irrigation or intratonsillar drug injection. If severe throat pain is present, appropriate painkillers can be used. When dealing with fever, the method of coolingshould be chosen based on body temperature: below 38.5 degrees Celsius, physical coolingcan be applied; above 38.5 degrees Celsius, oral fever-reducing medication can be considered. If tonsillitis recurs frequently, it is advisable to undergo surgery early. At the same time, attention should be paid to the child’s diet and rest to promote recovery.