A 13-year-old boy, in elementary school, has recently been experiencing a sore throat, severe cough, and a slight fever. What should a child with tonsillitis and a sore throat eat during the treatment period?
For children suffering from tonsillitis, it is recommended to start with dietary adjustments. Encourage the child to consume fresh vegetables and fruits, which are not only rich in vitamins and trace elements but also help boost immunity and are relatively light. For example, fruits like pears and apples have cooling and anti-inflammatory properties and can be eaten more frequently. For daily meals, opt for easily digestible foods such as congee and noodles. Additionally, avoid feeding the child foods that may exacerbate the condition, such as seafood and dog meat. Moreover, in daily life, it is important to help the child develop good habits, including healthy eating, early to bed and early to rise, and moderate exercise.