
My daughter is 7 years old and has just started saying that she feels pain when swallowing, and I’ve noticed that her swallowing seems a bit difficult. Moreover, she has a persistent high fever. What dietary precautions should I take if my child has tonsillitis?


During the treatment of tonsillitis in children, the first thing to note in daily diet is to keep it light. It’s recommended to consume more vegetables and fruits, which are relatively rich in nutrients and can help boost the child’s immunity. For example, apples and kiwis also have the effects of regulating qi, resolving phlegm, moistening lungs, which are very helpful for tonsillitis. In daily diet, attention should also be paid to easy digestion and swallowing. Therefore, it is suggested to mainly eat porridge and noodles, and the noodles must be cooked soft. In addition, foods that are spicy and irritating, such as spicy hotpot and hotpot, as well as allergens like beef and mutton, seafood, etc., should not be given to the child. Finally, parents should help children develop good living habits, regular Work and rest, moderate exercise to improve immunity, which can greatly reduce the incidence of diseases.