
Dear Parent, my son is just over 5 months old and has recently started complaining of pain when swallowing. He also has a slight cough and has been running a low fever. What dietary restrictions should be considered for a child with tonsillitis and swallowing difficulties?


During the treatment of tonsillitis in children, it is recommended to maintain a light diet. You can give your child plenty of vegetables and fruits, which are not only rich in vitamins and trace elements but also help boost their immunity. They are also relatively light, such as pears, which have a cooling effect and can help reduce fever, moisten the throat, resolve phlegm, and alleviate pain. It is also important to choose easily digestible foods for your child, such as thin gruel or well-cooked noodles and dumpling skins. Additionally, avoid giving your child spicy and irritant foods like spicy hotpot and also avoid foods that may cause allergies, such as beef, mutton, and seafood. In daily life, it’s also important to help your child develop good habits, including healthy eating, early to bed and early to rise, and moderate exercise.