
Dear Parent, my son is just over 3 months old. Initially, he felt pain when drinking water, and I noticed that his voice was a bit hoarse when he spoke, and he also had a slight fever and seemed listless. How should a child with tonsillitis be treated effectively during crying and distress?


The treatment of a child’s tonsillitis can involve selecting sensitive antibiotic medications based on bacterial culture. In addition to systemic medication, regional treatment can also be performed, such as tonsil crypt irrigation or intratonsillar drug injections. If the child has severe throat pain, it is recommended to administer painkillers according to the situation. If the child continues to have a fever, parents should also administer antipyretic medications or immediately take the child to the hospital. For children with recurrent inflammatory episodes, consider surgical treatment. After the condition improves, it is suggested to let the child engage in moderate exercise to boost immunity and prevent recurrence.